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7 Smartest Dogs

Category: Dog Training, Pet Health | Tags: Tags: , , , , ,

Date: February 6th, 2012

Dogs are very smart animals.  In fact, some scientists estimate that the average dog is as smart as a 3-year-old child.  That means he is smart enough to understand more than 150 words, smart enough to count to five – and smart enough to outsmart humans! Psychologist Stanley Coren, a leading canine researcher and widely published author from the University of British Columbia, studied data from 208 dog obedience judges in the USA and Canada to determine which breeds are the smartest.  Check out the results below to see if your dog made that list: 1. Border collies 2. Poodles 3. German shepherds 4. Golden retrievers 5. Dobermans 6. Shetland sheepdogs 7. Labrador retrievers So how do you improve your dog’s IQ? A good smart toy can actually boost your dog’s IQ!  It’s true. Veterinarians recommend puzzle toys (also called “smart toys”) because they provide dogs with the fun mental challenges they need to keep their minds sharp, while keeping them active and happy.  These toys require your dog to use his problem solving skills to “win” the game. A good smart toy is worth its weight in gold, because it will entertain your dog for hours.  One that I am going to try is Kyjen Hide-A-Squirrel. (Information provided by petplace.com)

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