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Posts Tagged ‘bones’

Myths De-Bunked!

(1)  Dogs like the taste of blood once they bite.  This is not true!  Some dogs are aggressive for a variety of reasons but not because they like the taste of blood!

(2) The best way to remove a tick is with a match.  This is not true!  The best way is simple- use a tweezer.

(3) Skittish dogs are “abused.”  This is not entirely true.  Dogs can be skittish for many reasons, not just because they might have been abused.  Just like people, some dogs are shy!  Also, if a dog is not exposed to humans during the first 12 to 14 weeks of his life, then he might never become fully acceptable of humans.

(4) Mixed breeds are healthier than purebred dogs.  This is not entirely true either- depends on the dog.  Mixed breeds tend to have less genetic disorders because of their hybrid nature.  If you do opt for a purebred, make sure you pick a responsible breeder.  Responsible breeders are typically aware of any genetic problems, and work diligently to reduce them.

(5) Bones are good for dogs.  This is not true!  Bones can be very dangerous and are not recommended to give to dogs.