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Tip for Tuesday, 5/22/12: Spring Cleaning- Control Dog Odor!

Category: Dog Care | Tags:

Date: May 22nd, 2012

1. Wash your dog’s bedding and blankets every week. Odors from wetness and dirt can get sealed into your dog’s bedding, where they linger. Wash blankets and bedding in a gentle soap without lots of artificial perfumes to remove odor.

2. Bathe your dog regularly. Some dogs need to be bathed every week while other dogs should be bathes every few weeks to a month. Determine the right schedule for your dog and stick to it (too much bathing can lead to dry, irritated skin). As a good rule of thumb, if your dog SMELLSĀ  like a dog it’s time for a good bath.

3. Promptly clean all sources of odor. If your dog vomits, has diarrhea or an accident, quickly clean up the mess. Use white paper towels and water to clean and dry the mess as best as you can.

4. Neutralize odors if at all possible. Look for odor removers that don’t just cover up the smell, but actually eliminate it.

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