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Tip for Tuesday 1/29/13: A Great Way to Help Relieve Anxiety in Your Pet

Category: Cat Care, Dog Care | Tags:

Date: January 29th, 2013

We have heard of a lot of different ways to try to relieve and ease pets’ stress in certain situations, such as leaving the TV or radio on when you are not home, or during thunder storms etc.  However, we would not suggest just leaving the TV on or a random music station on the radio.  Reason being that when commercials come on or maybe a show with violence or loud noises, this can create more anxiety in your pet.

Studies have shown that all music and noise is not the same in regards to their affect on animals.  In studies, dogs and cats seem to show lower levels of stress when exposed to classical music.  Cats might relax in front of the speakers when classical music is playing, and many dogs will actually bark less- especially when listening to the music of Bach.  So next time you leave your home, or there is a loud thunderstorm and your pet is stressing, put on some classical music, but make sure the music has a soothing dynamic sound from start to finish, and that it transitions calmly between pieces to be the most effective.

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