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The Overweight Cat

Category: Cat Care, Pet Health, Pet Tips | Tags:

Date: May 23rd, 2013


Stop denying your cat is not overweight! Chances are that he or she probably is….and if you have 2 cats, the chances are even greater that at least 1 of them is overweight!

Obesity is a common problem in pets, even in cats! I myself have 2 cats, one might be considered a little overweight, so I need to start paying closer attention to these pointers as well!

I think we tend to forget or not think about our pet’s health in the same way we think about our own. Being overweight has the same effects on pets that it does on people- it can cause stress on the body, and increase their risk of diabetes, liver problems and joint pains.

Things to keep in mind!

(1) It is much easier to keep your pet from gaining weight, then to try to get your pet to loose weight.

(2) To test if your pet is overweight, see if you can feel the backbone and palpate the ribs. If you cannot feel your pet’s ribs without pressing, there is too much fat. In addition, you should see a noticeable “waist” between the back of the rib cage and the hips when looking at your pet from above.

(3) Talk to your vet to determine your pet’s caloric requirements, selet a suitable food and calculate how much to feed.

(4) Increase physical activity of your pet- more play sessions!

(5) Find the hidden calories- are you giving your pet too many treats? They count too!

(6) If you get that guilty feeling when your pet looks at you for food/treats, then you are probably doing what I do, and give in, and give them what they want! If this is the case maybe you should feed your pet several small meals throughout the day, instead of 1 larger meal.

(7) Don’t leave food down all day for grazing.

(8) Provide non-food related attention. If your pet comes up to you and demands food like mine does, instead of food, get out their favorite toy and have a play session. Or you can even try to teach your pet a new trick! Yes, even cats can learn, I’v done it!

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