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Halloween Can Be Dangerous For Your Pets

Category: Cat Care, Dog Care | Tags: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Date: October 22nd, 2010

Halloween is a fun time of the year, especially for kids!  But as a smart pet owner, you should be weary of the potential dangers for your pets around the Halloween season!  There are so many things that can happen in a matter of seconds that could cost your pets their health and even their life.  Here are a few safety reminders:

(1) Do not leave your pets outside unattended: You should never leave your pets outside unattended anyway, but especially on Halloween, and the days leading up to Halloween.  This goes for all pets, even your cats that like to go outside.  Do not let them outside on Halloween, and maybe even the day before.  Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people out there who will go so far as to hurt your pet on purpose.  Halloween is a night of mischief, so don’t let your pets get caught up in it!

(2) Keep the candy and the candy wrappers away from your pets: The most obvious danger of Halloween is all of the candy.  Candy is not good for pets! Many sweets have artificial sweeteners in them that are toxic and for those of you that don’t already know, chocolate is major toxic food for pets.  Another food that people don’t usually think about is raisins and grapes. They are also toxic to pets.  One last thing to think about with the candy is the wrappers. Some of those foil wrappers can be super dangerous. They are basically the same as tin foil and can cause damage in your pet’s intestinal system.

(3) Be cautious when decorating your house for Halloween: Pets are naturally very curious.  Haven’t you realized that whenever you buy something new for your hose, your pet is the first one to notice?!  Curiosity combined with unsafe Halloween decorations can be dangerous, so think before you decorate!

(4) Pick a safe costume for your pet: First, make sure you get the correct size outfit for your pet and that it fits them comfortably. You do not want the costume to be too tight. This can make your pet extremely irritable, not to mention, that it can rub sores into their skin and cut their circulation off.  You also do not want the costume too big because then they can trip over it.  In addition, try to avoid things like sequins, bows, extra buttons, etc. These are things your dog may chew off and swallow and potentially choke or cause an intestinal blockage. Lastly, You should think of your pet as a small child in their costume and never leave them unattended. If they continue to struggle in their costume, you should remove it immediately.

(5) Be careful of the front door: Do you plan on putting your pets in another room, put up a barricade or let them join in the fun? This is really important to think about ahead of time. How your pets normally reacts to visitors may not be how they’ll react to visitors in strange costumes with their faces concealed. Not to mention with kids screaming, yelling, crying and the doorbell ringing, etc.

Enjoy the Halloween season, knowing that your pet is safe and happy!!

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